Wednesday, April 29, 2015

So bring on the rain...

So, who was as excited as we were to wake up to another morning of rain....wait, no? Not you?!!
Unfortunately those sunny, absolutely perfect Georgia spring days have been few and far between recently leaving a lot of us with a soppy, spongy mess of a yard. While all of this "free water" is keeping our plants happy, it may have brought a bit of a headache to some of us...drainage and erosion issues!

When I dream of one day waking up to the sound of water outside my bedroom w...indow, it doesn't usually include a muddy "river" running through the middle of my backyard courtesy of my neighbors or a relaxing waterfall pouring through the foundation into my basement. Water can be a homeowner's worst nightmare and, if not addressed, can cause some serious (and very expensive) long term damage.

There are several options when facing drainage problems: re-grading, installing a French drain, or even digging up your entire front landscape (like my parents just recently had to do) to repair your foundation. I know that last part about digging up your entire yard just got your heart racing with excitement!!!

If none of those previous options appeal to you, embracing your water might be the way to go for your landscape. Creating a dry creek bed can be a great solution. Combined with moisture resistant (and mosquito repelling...we are in Georgia!) plants, dry creek beds can become a beautiful focal point in your landscape design. If done correctly, dry creek beds can help redirect that pesky water away from your foundation. The rocks add color and texture to your landscape, it adds interest to an area of your yard that is hard to grow, and it can even help visually organize your overall design.
So before you begin constructing your own Ark, consider a dry creek bed. Its a big impact, low maintenance alternative for your dream landscape!


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