Monday, April 27, 2015

Shearing vs Hand Pruning

Between a full time job, raising a family, and trying to enjoy time with friends, many of us don't have much time to spend on our yard. Taking care of our shrubs and trees can be such a hassle! There are two different ways to keep our beds looking neatly manicured and beautiful: hand pruning and shearing. So what's the difference and which method is best for you? Most people would think shearing (think electric or gas powered contraption that makes everything even and get...s the job done pretty quickly) but did you know shearing can actually cause damage to foliage and leave your shrubs more susceptible to disease?!! 
Your plants require air flow and exposure to light. Shearing prevents air and light from reaching down into the shrub making it a breeding ground for bugs and disease. While shearing is the recommended method for your large hedges or groupings used as a privacy barriers, natural hand pruning is the best option for preserving long term plant health and maintaining a more natural appearance.

Natural hand pruning should be used on smaller hedges, individual shrubs, and any ornamental trees you have as part of your landscape design. Hand pruning gets you optimal results by removing dead wood and improving the air flow and sun exposure for your plants.

And while natural hand pruning may seem to take more time initially, it actually reduces the need for frequent touch-ups so you can enjoy more time doing something you love other than spending all these gorgeous spring afternoons manicuring your yard!!

Diseased and dying hedge

Sheared hedges

Hand Pruning

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