Monday, May 4, 2015

Mosquito Monday!

Mosquito Monday! Anybody else covered in bites after a beautiful weekend outside with family?!!
Yep, just call me the Mosquito Magnet (maybe I should consider changing my business card) For some reason, mosquitos LOVE me. I've tried everything to keep them away but I hate the feeling of being covered in bug spray...and lets not even get started on that awful smell! Plus, a lot of the stuff on the market isn't safe for little ones so that really doesn't work for me!

If you... have a standing water problem, like what we addressed in an earlier post, you probably know about mosquitos better than anyone else. So what do you do? Invest in one of those annoying bug zappers, turn your entire yard into a citronella sanctuary...

Did you know there are actually plants you can include in your landscape design that help repel mosquitos??? Many of them work well as potted plants or they can be added to your outdoor landscape to keep those little blood-suckers away.

Check out this blog post on 11 plants you can include around your home that repel mosquitos. I'm already putting in an order...and talking to my resident designer about making space for some of these little gems throughout our backyard. My skin is already so excited!!

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