Tuesday, June 2, 2015

There Must Be Something In the Water

Before I begin today's post, please let me "thank you" for being patient with us last week.  In the previous post I let you know that we experienced an unexpected death in our family so the last week has been packed full of family and tears and smiles and laughter (smiles and laughter?!!...yep, that's how our family does things!) So, we appreciate you allowing us the time away and we are working nonstop trying to catch up on phone calls, invoicing, and drawing design plans.  And let me tell you, what is coming will Blow. Your. Mind!  So good!!

Recently, with all of the new installs we have been doing, we have received TONS of questions about watering.  Understandably, when you invest some money into your landscape, you want it to continue to thrive.  So how much water is too much?  What are the best times to water?  If you have an irrigation system, what are some recommendations for getting the most of it?  Well, you came to the right place! :)

So, how much water is too much?  We've heard lots of answers to this question (and its probably the one question we get the most) but we have a few tips to help you determine what your plants need.  Remember when you first brought home your brand new baby...you had no idea what you were doing and all you could think was "I wish they could just tell me what they need"  but, in time, you figured out exactly what every little cry, squeal, and coo meant.  Same with your plants!  Our rule of thumb when it comes to watering actually involves your thumb (or any finger for that matter!).  Stick a finger into the soil around your plant.  If the soil feels moist like a cake, you have a happy plant.  If it is dry, your plants are probably thirsty.  If you pull your finger out to find that it is covered in mud, you are overwatering and your plants need a break!

For those who have an irrigation system, or as we say in the south, the "sprinkler", you may think you have it easy.  It might even be programmable so you really don't have to do much thinking about your watering.  While an irrigation system is convenient, it doesn't take all the guess work out of making sure your plants are receiving the amount of water they need.  Making sure you are watering at the correct times is still key.  We encourage our clients to water in the mornings between the hours of 7-10 am.  There are many reasons why we make this recommendation.  Many of us know that watering during the hottest part of the day isn't the best time because it can actually burn your plants but why not at night when it gets cooler.  Watering during those cooler morning hours allows your plants to get the H2O they so desperately need but also gives ample time for the sun to evaporate any access water so the soil doesn't sit oversaturated.  While watering at night is definitely better than at noon, evening watering causes your plants to have to sit in a puddle all night long.  It can do more harm than good.  So just like hot Georgia sun + a good shower is not a good combination for plants, watering in the evening when the sun won't be able to help with any excess water is essentially drowning your landscape making those cooler morning hours prime time for any type of watering.

Most of all, check your plants frequently.  Depending on how much free water you are getting (thanks weather!), you will need to make adjustments in how often you are watering your plants.  As is true with life, more is not always better.

For more questions or to find out how to reprogram your current irrigation system, leave a comment or give us a call.  We are always available to help "make the neighbors jealous"!